Posted by : Sumit Saturday, 31 May 2014

8 tips to effectively increase the performance of your android

You buy a new smartphone and enjoy its blazing speed for a year or maybe two. But after that your phone is likely to crawl.                                                                                              

Reasons for this includes: -                                                                                                             
The age of your phone, less availability of ram, unused and poorly coded apps, and many more…..
After that few people are likely to get a new and upgraded phone, but every one can’t afford this.
So, today we are going to discuss some Tips/Tricks/Tweaks to make your android run smoother.   And I’m sure you’ll find most of these tips useful, while you may not be able to implement a few of them (in some rare cases).

My Micromax Canvas 2, also went sluggish after around 18 months of use. But after implementing these tips, I got a nice increase in its performance.
Now, without wasting any time, let’s get started.

Tip 1. Update your Software

Updating your Firmware version brings some bug fixes, and also helps to increase the performance and battery life. In short, updating your Android to latest version can do wonders for your device.    So what are waiting for?? Go and update your Android now….                                                                  
Or if you need some offline tips/tricks to improve your android’s speed, proceed further.          

Tip 2. Uninstall/ Disable unwanted apps    

Uninstalling apps can hugely increase the speed of your Android, as some of the poorly coded apps keeps on running in the background and use your precious RAM and battery.

Or other option is to simply disable them, this is the best tip according to me.
Go to Settings > Application Manager > Swipe your screen towards left twice. 
You'll come under All Tab, then click on individual app and Disable it in the following screen.

Tip 3. Stop Synchronizing

Synchronizing or Sync is a great feature that keeps your data synchronized and updated with different Google servers. It is indeed a very amazing feature because it notifies you when you get a new mail, when a friend has commented on your newly uploaded pic, or when you got a like for your status, in short, is very useful, but with a downside that it does reduces the performance of your android as it eats RAM.                                                                                                                             
Disabling Auto Sync is a good option to increase your little Green bot’s performance.     

Tip 4. Turn-off Animation               

In order to get your Android optimized for performance, you have to compromise with the Animation. Disabling Animation scale from 10x to lower value or to No Animation, will surely add to performance.
In order to do this, Go to Settings > Developer Options > Window Animation scale >Animation scale 10x.                                                                                                                       Do the same for Transition Animation scale and Animator Duration scale.        

Tip 5. Turn off Background Data for some apps        

Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc. constantly keep on downloading new data to get you updated when you access them.                                                                                   
To stop this, Go to Settings > Data Usage > Deselect unwanted apps. 

Tip 6. Move apps to SD card to free up Internal memory

This one is an important one. You need to know that even an app is not running in Background, but it can still cause a negative effect to your little Green bot’s performance, as it takes and reserves the internal memory of your phone. The more free internal memory your phone has, more smoother it will run.

To check whether it is low or not, Go to Settings > Storage. Then check the available free memory, if is low, you need to uninstall unwanted apps from your device to free up space. 

It is a very hard to do option when you’ve got most of the apps that are useful for you. But don’t worry, you can still free your phone’s internal memory without uninstalling your apps.
There is an app called App Manager 3 or App 2 SD which will help you to move your apps to your SD card. When you’ll download this app, just open it and a list of your apps appears in it. Then move some of them to your SD card to free up Phone’s Internal memory.

Tip 7. Use Apps to kill Apps!!

This is the easiest way to improve your Android’s performance. Just Download these two apps:-

Watchdog                                                                                                                                       This app will not blindly kill other apps running in Background, as it may be harmful, instead, it will let you know when a background app loses control and exceeds your CPU thresholds.
It’ll notify you when an app exceeds your CPU thresholds. The user can then kill, ignore, or 
WhiteList that app to optimize phone’s performance and battery life.
Download Watchdog from HERE.

This app allows you to hibernate apps from running in the background, which helps in saving battery life. It doesn’t kill apps, you can switch to them at any time, and moreover it doesn’t causes any harm to your apps.
Download Greenify from HERE.

Tip 8. Overclocking your Android Phone

The last and most effective trick to surely increase the speed of your Android is to Overclock its CPU.

But what is Overclocking??
Overclocking simply means optimizing your hardware in such a way that it offers its maximum performance.
It’s a little tricky to overclock your Android. You need to do two things before starting:-

After rooting your phone, you are its super user, you have all hidden access to your phone, you can use it to apply many tweaks to your phone and enhance its experience.

As we have discussed earlier, How to root any android mobile, so we’re not going to get deep into this. Now, about Custom kernels, these are specific to your phone model, so you need to do some googling for the supported kernels for your model.  I can’t show you how to install kernels for all the phones so, Google will help you to install them for your device.

After this you need to install an app called SET CPU to overclock your phone. It’ll help you out to manage overclocking your CPU’s processor. 
Its amazing features make it outstandingly unique from others. One feature is, profile. This feature allows you to set specific configurations for different circumstances. For example, you can tell it to overclock when the charger is plugged and battery is over 50%, tell it to underclock when battery is below 50%, and can set it to return to its original state or at regular clock speed when it starts overheating, because overheating may damage your hardware.

The one and only disadvantage of overclocking your android is that it drains the battery faster.
But you’ll be able to get your android at its full potential, can play games without any lags, which are the reasons for which people root and overclock their phones.

I hope these Tips/Tricks helped you to increase the performance of your Little Green bot (Your Android).

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