Posted by : Sumit Sunday, 4 May 2014

Remove write protection error from pendrives using registry
A common error in pendrives which you may come across is the Write-Protection error.
 This mostly occurs because of viruses, as i can tell you from my experience, otherwise there is no specific reason why this happens.

What is Write-Protection error?
When this error will affect your pendrive, you'll not be able to use your pendrive completely , i.e. you may not be able to transfer anything to your pendrive nor will be able to format it. It will irritate you a lot and you'll feel like throwing your pendrive away.

How are we gonna tackle this?
There are two methods to tackle this problem:
1. Using cmd, as I showed you this in my previous post How to remove Write Protection error from pendrives using cmd.
2. Other is by editing the Registry, it is more effective.

So, better check out this post to remove that error simply by going into the Registry.

Removing Write Protection using Registry.

Step 1.
Open run by going to the Start menu and typing run.

Read => How to increase the performance of your pendrives.

Step 2.
In the following window type regedit.

Step 3.
A new window will pop-up, then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies. 

** If Storage device Policies is not there, look at the end of the post to know how to create it.

Step 4.
There should be a value Write Protect, double click on it.

Step 5.
A new window will pop-up, change the value 0 and click Ok.

RESTART YOUR COMPUTER, it is very important to restart otherwise changes in the Registry will not take place. Don't use your pendrive until you RESTART your computer.

Now, many of us don't see Storage Device Policies Folder, so here's how to create it:

Creating Storage Device Policies

Step 1.
As you reach to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ , Right-click on Control and Navigate to New and then click on Key.

Step 2.
Change the name of the key to StorageDevicePolicies and right click on the empty space on the right hand side.

Also read => How to remove shortcut virus from pendrives with a single click.

Step 3.
Click on New and select DWORD (32-bit value). Name it as WriteProtect. After that follow steps 4 to 5.

And don't forget to restart your computer before doing anything in the pendrive.

After folloing all of these steps, you'll be able to remove that error completely........
  This error can also be removed using cmd, its very simple and has 80% chances of removing the error but it's not as effective as Registry method. But why not give it a try because it has worked for me many a times....
    How to remove Write Protection error from Pendrives using cmd.

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