Posted by : Unknown Thursday, 3 April 2014

How to prevent VLC from destroying Laptops speakers

As we know VLC is considered the best Media player of all time. But it is not good for laptops under some set of conditions. As many users complaints about its harmful effects on speakers. There are many ways to avoid this, like to keep volume about 100%. But it'll badly affect your experience to use VLC. There is one way by which you can listen anything at full volume without affecting your laptop speakers. The way is very simple. Just follow step-by-step guide.

Did You Know?
Installing VLC on your Dell laptop will void your speaker's warranty.

How VLC destroys laptop speakers?
VLC uses a process that create hard-clippings and this may damage small speakers of your laptops.
This is reason why sound in VLC is louder than other players.

Step 1.
Click on Tools option on taskbar.

 Step 2.
 Choose the option "effect and filter". 

* Or press Ctrl+E to skip both these two steps.

 Step 3.

Now a dialog box will open. Under the 'audio effect' click on Graphic equilizer.

 Step 4.
Now check the box named as 'enable' and '2 pass'.

 Step 5.

Close the box and see the effect.
For video tutorial, visit :

I hope this will help you.
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